SCRIPTURES: Gen 1:3-5; 16-18; Matt 5:14-16;

Prelude: One of the most profound statements ever made by the Lord Jesus is the one about believers being the light of the world. Since creation to this advanced world of technology, light has been a great game changer in our world. Nations that has not exploited the full potential of light are categorized as third world or developing world. This is to say that, the more use you put your light the more developed you become. “Darkness” has never been made an open study, everything about the dark world is strewed in darkness. But light is studied by all; the power, the speed, the potential and the dimensions it can be employed. Think about all the great things man has been able to achieve with natural lights and artificial man made lights and how much more the tremendous and unimaginable power and potential of the Light of the world!

Character of light: Generally, what are the characteristics of natural light? Light never exist for itself, light is designed to shine and not to shout. There are a lot of shouting all around us today, in the name of preaching or evangelism, but light shines, no screaming, no noise making, no alarm. Light exposes, Light guides, light clarifies, and light speeds-up processes, light powers and empower and light brightens the natural world that lies in darkness. So much more are believers expected to manifest as the Light of the World:

A. LIGHT AS PERSONALITY: In Genesis 1:5 you will notice that God called the light Day, capital “D”, and in John 1:7 the light referred to here is written with capital “L.” This shows a personality is being referred to and not just the natural light.

John's Gospel, identifying Jesus as a light coming into a darkened world (1:5; 3:19-21; 9:5; 12:35-36). Light has several dimensions. First, light was used for teachers, who enlightened people by instructing them. This is also true of Jesus, who teaches others and reveals the truth about God and people. Second, light is an image for God's servant or Messiah. As the light of the world, Jesus is the Messiah who fulfills God's promises (see Isaiah 9:1-6; 42:6). Third, light is an image for God's own self, and Jesus is God in the flesh (see Isaiah 60:1-2). Together, the image of light brings together several dimensions of Jesus' identity. In John 9:1-12, and the scenes that follow, Jesus shows what it means for him to be the light by healing a man born blind. The man comes to see the light physically, through his healing, and he gradually comes to see the light of truth about Jesus as the Son of God (9:1-41). Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, ‘I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life.’

B. YE, ARE THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD: By special privilege we share in common with Christ the special place of being light in this dark and crooked world, since we have been called to his marvelous light. Phil2:15; 1Pet. 2:9. Therefore, we are to make impact in the following ways:

I.The world lieth in darkness: Gross darkness covers the entire world, in the midst of all that we are to arise and shine forth.

II. Light is like love: Light does not discriminate, he sent his sun to shine on the good and the evil people of the world. The way our God so love the world, our light is to shine forth too.

III. Be a burning and a shining light like John the Baptist. It is not enough to burn for God, we must be aglow and shine for Jesus.

IV. Only light drives away darkness: We must let the light of the gospel shine from shore to shore and reach every mankind regardless of the class and status.

Put your light on it's stand. Your circumstances are opportunities to shine brightly for the Lord and to share God's overcoming truth with those around you. Your family and community can tell what you believe by how you live.

Conclusion: Remember, a city set on a hill cannot be hidden, therefore be deliberate about bringing your light to this world under gross darkness and confusion.

Your brother,

Abraham Akanmu

NOTE: The solution to darkness and corruption anywhere, anytime, is Light, therefore, be a light bearer and live the light life.


Message: Ressurection; the game changer Message: In whos's image are you?

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